OCA Test

The program is designed to test the public through the site. The program is not a development in the field of testing, does not modify or supplement the original testing algorithm, but is a software solution for integrating the OCA test with websites to expand the testing capabilities of the Internet audience.

The main part of the program is the Test Admin, where all completed tests are stored: the personal data of the test takers and their answers. It includes a Processing Module (drawing a graph) and a Evaluation Module (determining traits and syndromes). The evaluation module serves to assist the trained test professional and should not be considered a substitute for such a specialist. The test admin panel is installed on the hosting. The installation requires access to the site's files and databases. It cannot be set on the constructor.

The program is multilingual. This means that it simultaneously works with test forms in all possible languages (as long as there is a translation of the questions). For example, you want a website in three languages: national, Russian and English. On each site we put a testing form in the corresponding language. All tests are also sent to a single test admin panel. The test admin panel itself is available in two languages: Russian and English.

Nothing is installed on the computer, only on hosting sites.

If the Test Admin is installed, then Test Forms can be installed on an unlimited number of different sites (including site builders). All completed tests from the Test Forms will be sent to a single test admin panel.

In addition to the admin panel, the chart is sent to the appraiser's email.

Installing the Testing Form is possible in two ways. See how each of them works. Press the "Submit", "Start test" buttons. The first option with a list is left over from an early version of the program and is not well suited for mobile devices. The second option works well on both desktop and mobile. The program works in demo mode, answer a few questions (you will not need to answer all of them) and the program will show the final filling page.

One list of 200 questions
Form + question slider

Watch this video BEFORE ordering an installation

Order installation

To order the installation contact me via Telegram/Viber/WhatsApp (see the page "Contacts"). We will clarify all the points, agree on the installation procedure and cost.

Also I will ask you to fill in the application and send it to me by e-mail.

Installation cost

The cost of installing the OCA program on the site:

  • For Scientology organizations, missions, groups, field auditors and FSMs in Ukraine the cost of the program is 4 200 UAH (≈ $100). One-time payment.
  • For Scientology organizations, missions, groups, field auditors and FSMs outside in Ukraine the cost of the program is determined as 1/5 of the cost of the Scientology auditing intensive that you provide. If you do not provide auditing yourself, then 1/5 of the cost of the Scientology auditing intensive provided in your organization, but not less than 4 200 UAH (≈ $100). One-time payment.
  • For businesses with a WISE, ABLE license, as well as test evaluators in any field other than Scientology the cost is determined as higher, but not less than 8 400 UAH (≈ $200).
  • Try (a separate Test Admin is installed on the developer's hosting) - 1 050 UAH (≈ $25) for 3 months.

The installation cost may be increased in the following cases, unless, of course, you resolve these issues before ordering the installation:

  • You don't have your own hosting
  • You don't have a site to test
  • You only have a site on the constructor, but no hosting
  • You "do not understand websites"
  • You cannot, for some reason, provide direct access to hosting
  • Other circumstances are on your side that complicate the installation of the test
  • "Give us a script, we'll install it ourselves": at business price and without technical support

Tech Support

The installation of the OCA program includes 3 months of technical support. Support renewal: 1 050 UAH (≈ $25) for 3 months.

After the end of the technical support period, the program will NOT stop working.

I provide basic technical support free of charge to all those whom I installed indefinitely. This means that if something flies, then I will look and say what is wrong. If the program is to blame, I will fix it for free.

In the following cases, you need to pay for technical support:

  • Moving the testing admin panel to another hosting.
  • Moving the testing admin panel to another domain (subdomain).
  • Restore the program if the crash is NOT caused by a bug in the program itself.
  • Updating the program to the latest version.

Independently making changes to the Admin panel may make it impossible to provide technical support.

Thank you for your understanding.


The issue of copyright here concerns only the program code and does not apply to the OCA test algorithm, related texts and images. The customer independently decides on the legal use of the test with its regulatory organization: FOLO, SMI, IHELP, ABLE, WISE.

Installing the program on the client's site does not mean the transfer of rights to the software to him.

Strictly prohibited:

  • Transfer program scripts to third parties
  • ...even if they are your friends
  • ...even if you know what you're doing
  • ...even if you want the best
  • Publicly share scripts
  • Moreover, resell the program
  • Use parts of scripts in your own software if it is transferred to third parties

It is also forbidden to independently transfer the admin panel to another domain or to another directory of the domain, which means hacking the license label in scripts.

If you want to use the program's scripts for embedding in your own software (not shared with third parties), please contact the developer.